Nord Security Trademark and Brand Guidelines
Nord Security Trademark and Brand Guidelines
Nord Security trademarks and other brand features are our valuable assets. In order to protect them and avoid confusion with other brands, we have prepared these Nord Security Trademark and Brand Guidelines (“Guidelines”) that set up the rules and requirements for the use of Nord Security trademarks, trade names, company names, logos (“Nord Marks” or “Marks”), domain names, designs, as well as other artwork, imagery, graphics and colour schemes used in our websites and applications, along with other distinctive features of the Nord Security brand (“Nord Brand”).
Please note that all registered and unregistered Nord Marks, as well as other Nord Brand features (such as Nord Security websites, applications and creative works embodied therein), are the exclusive property of NordSec B.V. and/or its affiliates (together “Nord Security”) and accordingly protected under various intellectual property laws all over the world.
Therefore, you can use our Marks and other Nord Brand features only if:
you have our explicit, written consent, or
your use falls within a specific exception provided by the applicable laws.
In any case, your use of any Nord Mark or other Nord Brand feature implies acceptance of these Guidelines. If you do not agree with these Guidelines and/or do not follow them, you are not allowed to use Nord Marks and/or other features of the Nord Brand. Please also note that Nord Security reserves the right to amend these Guidelines at any time and solely at its discretion.
If you violate these Guidelines, you must cease and desist from using any Marks and other Nord Brand features, and we reserve the right to immediately revoke our consent regarding such use.
You may find more detailed rules regarding use of Nord Marks below. In case you have any additional questions about using Nord Marks or other Nord Brand features, please contact us by email.
Prohibited use of Nord Marks and other Nord Brand features
In all cases, you are not allowed to use (a non-exhaustive list):
signs that are identical or similar to Nord Marks in such a way that consumers might be confused about the origin of your goods or services, or associate your goods or services with Nord Security;
Nord Marks (or confusingly similar marks, including misspellings) in such a way that it takes unfair advantage of the Nord Brand (free riding), or is detrimental to the distinctive character or reputation of the Nord Marks or Nord Brand.
More specifically, without our written consent, you are not allowed to (a non-exhaustive list):
affix Nord Marks or confusingly similar signs to the goods or their packaging (including any promotional or marketing materials);
import, export or offer goods, place them on the market (or stock them for these purposes) under the Nord Marks, or to offer and/or supply services under the Nord Marks;
use any of the Nord Marks as a trade or company name (or part of a trade or company name);
use any of the Nord Marks on business papers or in advertising material;
use any of the Nord Marks in misleading or otherwise unlawful comparative advertising;
use any of the Nord Marks on merchandise to create paraphernalia or swag;
copy or imitate Nord Marks or other Nord Brand features (such as design of our webpages, typefaces, distinctive colour scheme, graphics, or imagery) for your own websites, services, or products.
Permitted use of Nord Marks and other Nord Brand features
Consent is necessary in most cases
As a general rule, you need our explicit, written consent to use the Nord Marks or other Nord Brand features lawfully.
Only in exceptional cases you may use the Nord Marks without our written permission. E.g., you may use word Marks to truthfully, fairly, and accurately refer to or identify Nord Security and its products or services.
If you are Nord Security’s authorized reseller, supplier or other partner, and your agreement with us allows you to use Nord Marks, you also must follow the requirements specified in that agreement.
How to receive our consent?
If you want to use any Nord Mark or other Nord Brand feature, please send a request (with all the details about your intended use) to If you already work with us on a project or initiative, please coordinate such use with your current Nord Security contact.
Remember – if you have any doubts about the legality of your intended use of our Mark or other feature, do not hesitate to contact us.
How to use Nord Marks lawfully and correctly?
If you receive our consent to use any Nord Mark (or take an advantage of a specific exception provided by the applicable law), please always follow these Guidelines and the respective brand book and/or logo usage guidelines. You are not allowed to use our Marks if you do not adhere to the rules below.
General rules on how to use our Marks and other Nord Brand features
Marks should be used exactly as provided in the lists below and as described in the respective brand book and/or logo usage guidelines.
Do not change the colours of the Marks and do not modify the Marks in any other way (e.g., by adding visual effects, angling, or rotating).
Never use our Mark in a phrase or sentence without a clear indication that you are referring to our Mark.
Do not use our Marks as verbs or nouns, also in a plural or possessive form. Nord Marks should be used as adjectives and followed by an appropriate generic term.
Do not incorporate our Marks into your own trademarks, logos, designs, domain names, product, company or trade names, names of social media accounts, titles or icons of applications, or similar uses.
Do not combine or merge our Marks with your own trademarks, logos, designs, domain names, product, company, or trade names (or part of them). E.g., we do not permit phrases like “Nord + [your logo] make your life easier”.
Do not combine our Marks with any other graphic or text elements (e.g., do not incorporate them into a tagline or slogan).
Use Nord Marks with the appropriate ® or ™ symbol, and include an appropriate trademark attribution statement (e.g., “NordVPN and Nord Security logos are trademarks of Nord Security”).
Do not use our Marks more prominently than the name of your service, product, or company.
Do not mimic elements of the Nord Brand for non-Nord Security services or products. E.g., you are not allowed to use Nord Marks for or in the context of unrelated goods or services to increase their visibility on search engines or e-commerce platforms, or otherwise take unfair advantage of the Nord Brand.
Do not use our Marks in a way that implies affiliation, sponsorship, or endorsement with or by Nord Security.
Do not use our Marks in connection with pornography, gambling, illegal activities, or any content that is defamatory, libellous, obscene, or otherwise objectionable.
Do not use our Marks in a way that would disparage them, the Nord Brand or Nord Security.
When you lawfully use other features of the Nord Brand, you must include the following (or similar) tagline at the bottom of the page or other work:
© Nord Security. All rights reserved. [Insert the relevant Nord Mark] is a registered trademark of Nord Security.
Other general rules
All goodwill generated using any Nord Mark or other Nord Brand feature inures to the benefit of Nord Security.
You may not assert rights to any Nord Mark or other Nord Brand feature whether by trademark registration, common law ownership, domain name registration or anything else.
You must, if requested by Nord Security, provide samples of any materials that include our Mark or other Nord Brand feature for the purpose of determining compliance with these Guidelines. You must make any changes to your use of Nord Marks or other Nord Brand features that are requested by Nord Security.
We do not make any representations regarding your use of Nord Marks and other Nord Brand features. We disclaim all warranties, express and implied, including any warranties of non-infringement.
Table of contents
Non-exhaustive list of the Nord Marks
Word marks
Nord Security

Our logos
Have noticed inappropriate use of our Marks or other features?
In case you become aware that any person uses the Nord Mark or other feature of the Nord Brand inappropriately, please inform us about it by email.
Inform us